Posts tagged self-control
How to Lose 70 Pounds, (part 3)

My first (you read that correctly) surgery in early December was not only the first in the process of treating my obesity, it was also my first ever. As I indicated in previous posts, fears around anesthesia, not waking up, losing control, etc., formed the basis for the majority of the anxiety I felt heading into the surgery theater the first time. In the back of my mind, I couldn't shake the thought that the (albeit brave) decision of going through with my plan might also be my last! I usually do my best to avoid wearing my anxiety on my sleeve at home - Paige and I both feed off each other and the picture ends up not being pretty. I'm sure the weeks leading up to December 1 were about as stressful for her as they were for me.

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Time-Outs are for Parents

Yesterday I yelled at my four-year-old. Screamed really. With gusto.

It wasn't a fair fight.

The details of how the scenario came about are insignificant compared with the broader phenomenon. (That is to say, I blew up at him because of a slinky.)

When my platform of politeness, self-control, dignity, and maturity shuddered a touch, it gave way to anger -- under which was fear of loss, probably under which was actual unrelated loss. I could see the same anger, fear, and sadness in my sons eyes even as the scene unfolded. Looking back on it later, I felt as though I had kicked a kitten.

Perhaps there are parents who do not identify with losing their cool with their kids. Perhaps there are some who hold it together 99.9% of the time (or who at least appear to hold it together). Yet I'm sure we all move through the parenting years with different styles. I talked with a f...

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